If your site shows course data for your department, this content is being imported from the Registrar’s Course Catalog. Any edits, additions, or deletions, should be made in the system of record; once approved, those changes will be reflected on your department site within 24 hours.
The data imported from the course catalog includes:
- Course title
- Subject and number (e.g. AAAS 89S)
- Course description
- Enroll consent
- Drop consent
- Prerequisites
- When the course is typically offered (Fall, Spring, Occasionally)
- Course components (e.g. Discussion, Laboratory, Lecture)
- The curriculum codes
- Cross-listings
The data in these fields cannot be edited, and must be updated in the system of record.
Local data
In addition to the data imported from the course catalog, there are several fields that are locally-managed, and are independent of the import process. These fields allow an editor to add additional content to an imported course to enhance or clarify aspects about the course. These fields include:
- Category (e.g. Pre-Law, Capstone Seminar, etc.), which can be used to filter or group courses in a meaningful way unknown to the registrar’s office.
- Course image, to add a visual element not present in the course catalog.
- Local description, which can be used to enhance the imported description; for example special topics courses often include a bare bones description such as “Topics vary”; future offerings lack a description other than “available as of” followed by the date they will be available.
- Notes, in order to add a short message about a course, such as “Offered spring semester during odd-numbered years.”
Running a course import
There are times when you might not want to wait for the automated import of courses for an update to a course in the system of record to be made to the imported course on your site. Editors with the Site Editor role or higher have the ability to manually run an import from the system of record in order to expedite the process:
- Select Content > Feeds from the administration toolbar.
- Click the Import button for the Courses feed
- Confirm by clicking the blue Import button
Manage courses view
In order to facilitate management of this content, your site has a view dedicated to courses which is limited to site editors with permission to edit courses. To access this view, select Shortcuts from the administrative toolbar, then click the Manage courses link in the shortcuts menu. If this shortcut is not present, you can simply add /admin/manage-courses to your site’s web address in the address bar of your browser (e.g. https://yoursite.duke.edu/admin/manage-courses).
This view provides an editor with:
- A subject filter,
- A search field on the course number,
- A category filter,
- A search field on the imported description, and
- A published filter
The description search field is useful for locating courses which are future offerings. Any such course includes a simple imported description noting when the course will be available; an editor can then add details to the Local description field.
The tabular display shows:
- Course number,
- Title,
- Components,
- When offered,
- Curriculum codes,
- Category,
- If a course includes an image,
- If a course includes a local description,
- If a course has content in the notes field, and
- A link to edit the course
Featured courses
Some sites use a Featured Courses carousel, most commonly on the homepage or at the top of the courses page. If your site uses one of these carousels, you can add and remove featured courses using the following steps.
- Go to the Courses page on your site and find the course you'd like to feature
- Click the Course title in the table
- On the Course page, click the Edit tab
- Scroll down to Course Categories. If the box beside Featured Course is checked, the course will appear as Featured.
- Simply click the box to check or uncheck it as appropriate
- Click Save at the bottom of the page
The Featured Courses carousel order is controlled by an Entityqueue which can be found by going to Structure > Entityqueues > Featured Courses Carousel. Please see Managing Entityqueues for full details on using this feature.