Create a News Article

News articles are created in one of two ways: Editors can create news articles using the News article - Local content type, and news can be imported from the main Trinity College of Arts & Sciences (TCA&S) website. If your site has a News section, it may be configured to import news articles from Duke Today via the main TCA&S website ( If you are unsure whether or not your site is importing news articles, please contact Trinity Web Support.

Please see Managing news for more information on news sources.

Creating a local news item

  1. Select Content ⇒ Add Content ⇒ News article - Local from the administration toolbar.
  2. Fill in the information in the following fields: Headline (required field), By Line (if appropriate), and Published Date.
  3. If your site uses Categories or Research Areas, select the appropriate tags to categorize the article; you may select more than one for each field.
  4. When possible, you should add a photo for the article which will display on your News page, and on your front page featured news listing, if you site is configured for that display.
    • Click Select Image(s) under Image to open the image media library.
    • You can either choose a previously uploaded image under the Library tab, or click the Add New Image tab to upload a new image. Please see Working with images for complete instructions.
    • You can also add an Image Caption.
    • The selected image will always show on the news listings (such as on the News page), but you can select one of three options for the image when the article is viewed in full:
      • Selecting Float right (default) will place a 400-pixel wide image floated at the top-right of the article.
      • Selecting Wide will place the image in a 16:9 aspect ratio above the article title.
      • Selecting Hide will hide the image as well as the caption, if provided. This option can be useful if you want a thumbnail for the article to show on lists of news articles (such as your News page), but prefer to display a full-width video at the top of the individual article.
  5. Enter the main copy of the article in the the Body field. Please see Working with the text editor for full instructions.
  6. The External Article field provides a way to link to an article outside of your site. For example, if you want to link to a New York Times article, you can enter its URL in this field, and the news listing will link directly to the external article instead of to your article node. When you link to an external article, it is good practice to add a brief intro about the article in the Body field (500 character max).
  7. Click Save at the top of the page.

Your News item will now appear where your other News appears on your website — such as your “News” page, Latest News block on front page, and possibly locations within the site where news appears based on the categories and research areas.

Submitting news to

Some department sites have been configured to allow editors with the proper role to be able to submit news articles for inclusion within the TCA&S website’s news section ( If you would like to be able to submit news from your site to, or are unsure if you have the ability to do so, please contact Trinity Communications.