Cloning content

There are situations in which an editor has created a complex landing page or news article and they wish to duplicate the node without having to recreate the entire layout and related paragraphs.

Nodes of the following content types can be cloned:

  • Basic page
  • Conference
  • News article - Local
  • Project

To clone a node, click the Clone tab, which is present when viewing and editing the node. Upon clicking this tab, you will be presented with three options:

  • Take ownership: This will make the person cloning the node the original author; otherwise, the original author of the node being cloned will remain the owner of the new node. This really doesn't have an effect either way, since we don't limit access to nodes based on the original author: A Site Editor can edit/view unpublished nodes they did not create, for example.
  • Exclude Cloned: By default, a cloned node will have “ - Cloned” appended to the title (and “-cloned” appended to the URL alias) of the cloned node. Checking this prevents this behavior.
  • Save cloned Content as published: By default, a cloned node is unpublished; checking this will clone the node in a published state.

Once you have selected the appropriate options, click the Clone button, and you will be redirected to the cloned node, which can be edited / updated / modified without affecting the original node.