Used to locally add news items (i.e. independent of the import from To add a news article locally, select Content ⇒ Add content ⇒ News article - Local from the administration toolbar. For more information, please see Managing news articles.
Label | Machine name | Field type | Required? | Allowed values |
Headline | title | String | y | 1 |
By Line | field_by_line | Text (plain) | n | 1 |
Published Date | field_published_date | Date | y | 1 |
Category | field_local_news_category | Entity reference (Taxonomy) | n | Unlimited |
Research Areas | field_research_themes | Entity reference (Taxonomy) | n | Unlimited |
Submit to* | field_submit_to_trinity | Boolean | n | 1 |
Main image | field_news_article_local_image | Entity reference (Image) | n | 1 |
Image caption | field_image_caption | Text (formatted, long) | n | 1 |
image options | field_hide_image | List (text) | y | 1 |
Body | body | Text (formatted, long) | n | 1 |
External article | field_external_story | Link | n | 1 |
Paragraphs** | field_paragraphs | Entity reference revisions (paragraph) | n | Unlimited |
*This field can be used to submit a news article for potential inclusion in the news on Not all sites nor user accounts are configured to use this checkbox. If you would like to be able to submit your news to Trinity, please contact Trinity Communications.
**Not all roles have the ability to use the Paragraphs field. If you would like to request the ability to do so, please contact Trinity Communications; it will be helpful to have a use case in mind as well as an understanding of the paragraph types available.