If you have a question or wish to report a problem with your website, please use our group’s trinitywebsupport@duke.edu email address. This allows us to provide better support for all of our users and to more quickly respond to your question or issue. Please do not email any one individual of the team.
Change Requests
We typically receive questions such as “How do I add a page?” and the like. This website provides documentation for our most common inquiries. If your question isn’t answered here, we’d love to hear about it!
Occasionally we receive requests which require more effort. Such requests include adding, changing or removing content types from your site, adding or modifying a view, or modifying how and where you wish to display content.
If your change requires such an effort, we will engage Trinity Communications, so that they have the opportunity to provide consultation and make sure any changes are in line with both your group’s and the college’s overall communication strategy.
Remember: Please don’t email an individual team member, but use our group email address to report an issue or ask a question.