Finding your content

In some cases it is faster and/or easier to locate content via the Content Overview page, for example if you do not know where a node exists in the site hierarchy or whether or not a node is published. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Click Content in the administration toolbar to access the Content Overview page
    the link to the content administration.
  2. Use the filters and sorting to find the content you wish to edit or publish/unpublish:
    the filters on the content administration page.
    • Filter by status (e.g. not published)
    • Filter by type (e.g. Basic page)
    • Sort ascending or descending by Title, Type, Status, and Updated (default sort; based on the date the content was last updated)
  3. Once you have found the content you wish to work with, the Content Overview page provides a mechanism to change its status, and links to view and edit:
    the table of the content administration page.