When editing from off-campus, you must use Duke’s virtual private network (VPN). For more information, please see OIT’s VPN documentation.
To login to your Drupal website, click the NETID LOGIN button at the bottom of any page; if you are already logged in you will see a LOG OUT button. Note that this button may be hidden behind a cookie alert and consent banner; you will need to click the I ACCEPT button to remove this banner and reveal the login button.
When a user with adequate role(s) logs in, the user interface will change and the following elements will be present:
- Administration toolbar: Only shown to users with appropriate role(s) when logged in. Includes links to administrative tasks to which the logged-in user has access.
- Administration and Shortcut menu tray: Use 'Manage' and 'Shortcuts' tabs in the administration toolbar to toggle between menu items.
- View tab: Click to view the current page; when editing, click to exit the editor without saving any changes.
- Edit tab: Click to enter the editing interface for the current node.
- Revisions tab: Click to view the revisions (version history) of the current node.
- Contextual menu: Click the pencil icon
to invoke a contextual which includes the applicable links for a given region, for example an Edit link to access the block editor.